Altair Feko: What's new in Feko 2024.1

Esti Hansmann
Esti Hansmann
Altair Employee
edited August 2024 in Altair HyperWorks

Highlights of the 2024.1 Release


Model Protection

Model protection was extended to allow a custom 3D representation to be shown when a protected model is imported by a client. The 3D  representation does not get meshed and does not form part of the simulation. The custom representation geometry is specified by the model creator and replaces the grey translucent box that is displayed for protected models without a custom representation geometry.


On the left, an example of a protected model which is only visible if the password is known. On the right is the representation geometry that will be visible to the client. Note that representation geometry is not meshed.


Protected models can now be imported and placed on other geometry and the meshing will take this into account.


On the left, the model where the protected model will be imported. Note that overlapping areas need to be substracted. On the right, the protected model was imported into the model and was meshed.


Workplanes and ports in a protected model can be exposed allowing clients using the protected model access to the workplanes and ports. Sources and loads can now be added to these exposed ports in the protected model.

When using a protected model, S-parameter configurations and near field requests are now supported.


Component Library

The following components were added to the component library:

  • Predefined EMC test setup typical of standard GB/T 18387 EMC measurements using a loop EMC antenna.
  • Multi-band stacked patch antenna, such as typically used for global navigation satellite system (GNSS) applications.


The dual band GNSS stacked patch antenna and EMC test setup GB/T 18387 EMC (loop antenna) available in the Feko 2024.1 component library.


Support for AMD AOCL Libraries

AMD AOCL libraries (optimised for AMD processors) can now be enabled when running the Feko Solver.



Beam Steering in 5G Networks

Beam steering in 5G networks is now supported in ProMan, where it dynamically directs radio signals towards specific users, improving signal strength and quality. Beam steering is based on phased array antennas, where the signal phases fed to the antenna elements are adjusted to form a focused beam in the desired direction and can track the movement of users.


The data beam from the antenna array serving a user at different times.


Report Generation - Project Summary

The automatic report generation were extended to include a project summary along with the exported results and 3D view.


An example of an exported Microsoft Word report.


Reference Points in 2D View

Extended the balloon tip feature to create a reference point with each click. The balloon tip for the marker shows the result value and the coordinates at this point. A marker is indicated by a red “X” and can be deleted by clicking on the marker. When new results are loaded or if the marker is outside the simulation area, the marker info in the balloon tip is updated accordingly.


An example of multiple markers with balloon tips displaying the result value (where relevant) and coordinates.


Superposed Received Power (Coherent Superposition)

The computed prediction results that can be requested additionally, now include superposed received power where support was added for coherent superposition (phase considered). Up till version 2024, only incoherent superposition (power sum, phase ignored) was supported.


An example showing the superposed received power (coherent superposition) for an indoor propagation scenario.


Multiple Mobile-Station Antenna Configurations

Multiple mobile-station antenna configurations are now supported in a project for point and trajectory mode.


An example showing how MS configurations can be combined with the given trajectories. It is also possible to copy the same trajectory with different names in order to evaluate different MS configurations along the same trajectory.



Invert Coverage Result Levels

The coverage result levels can now be inverted for many types of results. For example, it is now possible to visualise the required antenna height above and below a certain level. Some result types can now generate more information, both in the result information dialog and printout.


On the left, an example of the original coverage results. On the right, coverage results were inverted.


Interference Tool - Typical Stations

The Interference tool was extended to include typical stations in the calculation. You can also now perform interference calculations for “typical” station types (they can be created without any particular geographical coordinates, may have predefined service area).

imageOn the left, an example of a fixed station and on the right, an example of a typical station.
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