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Hello, my simulation with general MOM solver is taking more than four hours when I run this design with only 30 number of points, I tried MLFMM to run it faster but MLFMM is showing "feko internal error", see the attached design model of CADFEKO and the .out file for MLFMM error , kindly tell me the way how can I run this…
I have two S-Foundations files and the soil category is showing numbers in one file and on the other file the soil category is given as a description, why is that ??? The file showing numbers as soil category is now useless and I have to redo another file, big waste of time !!
Guys, I have two snap-through buckling examples: 1) panel loaded by SPCD, 2) panel loaded by pressure. In the first example, I request SPCFORCE, and then make nice plot SPCFORCE vs Displacement for center node using HyperGraph (see the image). But I don't understand what force should I use to show span-thru in the seconds…
I have simulated a rectangular waveguide with a ground plane around the aperture with near field points to specifically replicate the graph attached from "Antenna theory and Design" - Warren L.Sutzman and Gary A. Thiele. The feko simulation does not display such a near field behavior. How can I get this graph? TE10 mode…
When importing a .cfx file, the Cable Harnesses don't appear to be imported. Is there a way to export and import Cable Harness instances?
Hello, I am using S-CONCRETE multistorey designer (as well as batch design/processing) to design precast concrete wall panels. There's some functionality that I am having problems with, relating to modifying information in the Wall Table Data Viewer. 1) The first issue is with using the "Zones" of reinforcing at either end…
Hello, currently a student in mechanical engineering field, newbie hypermesh, I'm working on simulating a press machine welded frame. To aacomplish that, I divided the problem to 3 parts. Actually, I'm doing the second part which is consists of simulating a "Table" which is the base of the machine frame, in order to…
Hi, I'm a student at Politecnico of Turin. Due to an hardware issue, I had to change my laptop and buy a new one in which the old license isn't available anymore. How can I obtain a new license?
Hello here, i am working on a geometry optimisation of a cultivator tine. Therefore, i am trying to set up an coupled simulation between EDEM, Inspire and Hyperstudy. However, the only source of information i could find for this was a 2 year old video on youtube: EDEM - How to Perform Geometry Parametrization using…
hello, I am setting up an external computer running Ubuntu to which I want to submit remote FEKO jobs. I installed FEKO on the computer, setup SSH and added all the required variables to Path. However following the installation guide (https://help.altair.com/feko/pdf/Altair_Feko_Installation_Guide.pdf) I am unable to…
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