How can i obtain a new licence for inspire?

Samuele_Gallina Altair Community Member

Hi, I'm a student at Politecnico of Turin. Due to an hardware issue, I had to change my laptop and buy a new one in which the old license isn't available anymore. How can I obtain a new license?


  • Rahul_P1
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2024


    Your previous license key activation is now deactivated in Altair one, you can now reactivate the product in your machine with the same license key.

    General comments -

    Deactivation and reactivation feature is only if a computer breaks down and is only allowed a few times per user.

    Users can deactivate the license from one machine and reactivate in another if you have access to both machines as per –

  • Samuele_Gallina
    Samuele_Gallina Altair Community Member

    Thank you.