Linux based remote FEKO: initfeko no such file found.

Justin Geerarts
Justin Geerarts Altair Community Member


I am setting up an external computer running Ubuntu to which I want to submit remote FEKO jobs.

I installed FEKO on the computer, setup SSH and added all the required variables to Path. However following the installation guide ( I am unable to perform the step

. <installation directory>/altair/feko/bin/initfeko (described on page 130).

When submitting a job (through terminal as through the GUI it does not ask the password to login and gets stuck at connecting to IP).

I am able to succesfully connect to the remote host, it creates a temporary folder (as expected), but it fails to upload files with the error:

"initfeko no such file"

Anybody had this problem before and managed to solve it?



  • Evan_Urban
    Altair Employee
    edited January 16

    Hello Justin,

    I will help sort this issue out.

    When you setup your key authentication, are you able to locate the keys in your .ssh directory? Also, is your .bashrc file located in your HOME directory?


    Evan Urban

  • Justin Geerarts
    Justin Geerarts Altair Community Member
    edited January 17

    Hello Evan,

    There have been some updates:

    I confused the remote and local setup in the manual, since then I have made some improvements.

    However, after sending and copying the files to the remote host (succesfully), the debug states this:

    Launching remote FEKO process using the command: plink -ssh -batch -l (my username) -i (path to private key) (ip) "cd (remote dir); runfeko (filename) --is-remote".

    FATAL ERROR: Network error: connection timed out.

    For security reasons I had to remove some of the information.

    We so far have been unable to identify why it times out.

    For debugging reasons, I have tried to add additional commands in the feko_remote_ssh.bat such as mkdir and these also time out.

    I understand this might have to do with the SSH configuration but so far have not been able to figure out why it fails after creating the folder and copying the files to it.

    Thank you for your time and assistance,


  • Evan_Urban
    Altair Employee

    Hello Justin,

    By chance, have you tried to ping the host and vice versa to verify that there is communication between the two? I am hoping this can help isolate the issue for better troubleshooting.


    Evan Urban

  • Justin Geerarts
    Justin Geerarts Altair Community Member

    Hello Evan,

    Yes we can ping and even connect through SSH.

    As I stated earlier we can connect in the beginning, create the temp folder and transfer files.

    After that, it continuous to time out.

    kind regards,


  • Justin Geerarts
    Justin Geerarts Altair Community Member
    edited January 20

    I have found the problem, but not yet the solution.

    If I add, say, 9 echo commands then it will still time out after the 3rd or so echo command. So the connection is only allowed for a limited time. Any advice on where to look into the SSH settings or the batch script would be appreciated :)

    Update: We have increased the timeout from SSH and this seems to work. However, the runfeko command is not executed on the remote host. It continues to submit the files back to me.

    kind regards,


  • Evan_Urban
    Altair Employee

    Hello Justin,

    Thanks for the info and the update. Glad to hear the timeout has been resolved on your end, are you still running this command?:

    cd (remote dir); runfeko (filename) --is-remote

    Have you tried using the command --remote-host h? I am unable to find the command I see this is the command to run the remote launching facility and providing h which is the IP address:

    I look forward to hear the results.

    Evan Urban

  • Justin Geerarts
    Justin Geerarts Altair Community Member
    edited January 21

    Hi Evan,

    Yes, I am still running that command.

    I am getting this problem (the remote PC not doing anything when calling runfeko and just sending back the original files without results (BOF file)). When both calling the remote functionality from the UI and from the console with the command you mentioned.

    kind regards,


  • Evan_Urban
    Altair Employee

    Hello Justin,

    Sorry for a late response, I was out last week sick. I will look into this quick and see if I can find a resolution for this. Its interesting the remote PC is not doing anything with the files you provide it.

    Evan Urban

  • Evan_Urban
    Altair Employee

    I am going to convert this to a support ticket for better tracking and investigate this issue with the development team.

    Evan Urban