Setting up Co-Simulation between Inspire and EDEM via Hyperstudy

Hello here,
i am working on a geometry optimisation of a cultivator tine. Therefore, i am trying to set up an coupled simulation between EDEM, Inspire and Hyperstudy. However, the only source of information i could find for this was a 2 year old video on youtube:
EDEM - How to Perform Geometry Parametrization using HyperStudy and InspireStudio
The workflow in the Videotutorial seems to be different form the current 2024.1 software versions. So i could not follow the Workflow as shown in the Video.
Is there any more information available out there, which helps to set up the simulation?
Best regards
Best Answer
The rgconfig.txt file shoud read:
section # Shell # GenericContiniousMixer.stl # cad # Steel
Or similar, the above works for me. The main issue is that the second entry should match the geometry name you are replacing. In this case the geometry name in EDEM is 'Shell' so this should match. Other than that it picks up the CAD (cad) units and as no meshing is specified it uses default.
Hi @H_Engbert,
The video released 2 years ago and was developed using version 2022 of Inspire and HyperStudy, so the names of some tools may have been updated. Where in the video are you experiencing issues? Is it with the Inspire interface or the HyperStudy interface?
Hope this helps!
Adam Reid
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Hi @GTT Adam,
mainly its the Inspire interface I think.
actually it starts with the User variables. I can not find the same variable value as given in the video. The hw_hst_cmd_istudio_write.bat is not there.
Next is the Export of the Design variables from the Design table in inspire. Could not find any export button for the design variables as shown in the video.
Is there maybe anything additional to install for Inspire? In the Videotitle they called it "Inspire studio".
Differs that from the regular Inspire 24.1 installation?
Best regards
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Just to note we have a more recent example which may help:
With associated video series (links in video comments)
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Thanks for the Information @Stephen Cole!
Unfortunatly I've still got some Questions about this topic. When trying to generate the .stl-File of the Mixer it says "cannot import the hwx module"… You got some information for this? I've searched a lot but could not fine any Information that really helps me. For example where to find this python Module?
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What method are you using to call the script? I'm not so familiar with this part myself but it looks like this has to be run via Inspire Python
If you follow the quick start demo's you can see they also use this function.
In the video series on this in the second video you can see that the script is been called via Inspire (snapshot from 4 minutes in), which is similar to the above documentation where it is been run from Inspire which must be where it is picking up these modules.
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Hi @Stephen Cole ,
I've called the Script via Inspire Python from the Batch-File as shown in the Video.
However, I meanwhile found a way of debugging this problem from the Inspire GUI. Seems like the Problem is, that the last three variable updates from the Python script (paddle_w1, paddle_w2 and stem_d) don't work correctly. When commented out, the Script runs and the stl-File is created.
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Actually, I've got another Problem when updating the dummy geometry. I've already tried a lot with changing the rgconfig.txt, which controls the geometry replacement. However, the dummy geometry is not changed into the Mixergeometry. When starting the "Run definition" button in hyperstudy the following output-file is generated..
Any suggestions, why the geomtry replacement doesn't work correctly? I've controlled my Input and setup files already and they exactly the same as in the tutorial
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If you run the same case using EDEM batch to confirm the replacement does this run OK? It would be good to check if this is related to the HyperStudy setup or the EDEM deck.
The text file replace geometry option is very sensitive to file names, capitals and spacing in the file. There is another replace geometry example here which maybe useful to compare formats.
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when running the config file in edem batch the same error message appears on screen. So it seems like the problem is related to the EDEM deck.
Thanks for the other example. I will check this too!
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For better troubleshooting here's my isolated EDEM Deck for the geometry replacement.
Maybe that helps and you can find any errors from this.
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The rgconfig.txt file shoud read:
section # Shell # GenericContiniousMixer.stl # cad # Steel
Or similar, the above works for me. The main issue is that the second entry should match the geometry name you are replacing. In this case the geometry name in EDEM is 'Shell' so this should match. Other than that it picks up the CAD (cad) units and as no meshing is specified it uses default.
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Hi @Stephen Cole,
the Geometry replacement work with the syntax you mentioned in your previous answer. Unfortunately when I try to use the rigid body mesh control settings for meshing the replaced geometry, that does not work correctly. When I replace the Geometry within the GUI with rigid parameters, the mesh is generated correct, but even with the exact same Parameters it doesn't work with the Batch- and Config-Files.. However, the defined mesh is very important for my EDEM-Simulation, because I am working on the wear Simulation..
When staring the simulation via Batch-File the following message appears:
Ignored msh ctrl 1 of cfg 20. Seem like there's still something work with the rgconfig…
Any suggestions why the meshing does not work? I've attached my rgconfig-File below.
Best regards,
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Hi @Stephen Cole,
could you maybe give me a quick response, if you've seen my previous comment? And even better, if you maybe got a solution to this problem? Unfortunately, I could not find a proper solution for this problem..
Best regards
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Hi, I see a similar message when trying the remesh myself, i've reported it to our development team to review.