A space to share your Altair scripts, models, workspaces and extensions with the community.
Overview This project presents an Altair solution for the simulation of the drop test of corrugated cardboard boxes. This project includes: * 3 ready-to-use Altair Radioss models* Altair Radioss version is V2022.3 * The Unit System is in (kg, mm, ms, GPa) * A report with a detailled description of the model * An HyperView…
Overview この記事は下記リンクを翻訳したものです。 https://community.altair.com/csm?sys_kb_id=e957df05db0fad10cfd5f6a4e29619f3&id=kb_article_view&sysparm_rank=10&sysparm_tsqueryId=4fd39ea097843dd0e3b0361e6253af6f 添付のスクリプトは、EDEMの回転ジオメトリに対する粒子速度を計算し、その結果を相対速度と相対パス長と呼ばれる粒子プロパティに書き込みます。 スクリプトに含まれる汎用ビンブレンダーモデルの結果例を以下に示します。 Pre-Requisite EDEM 2022.3…
Overview Abstract In this article we couple the mechanical and electrical simulation words to create a virtual prototype of a motorcycle. By tightly integrating the electric powertrain with the multibody dynamics and control systems together enables us to study the interactions between these systems, evaluate the overall…
Overview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQk8synjESs Usage/Installation Instructions Open the file in HyperMesh and follow the steps from the Youtube video
Overview RoomControl.VSM simulates an HVAC model of single room cooling with an ON/OFF thermostat. This nonlinear diagram has hysteresis in the controller and accounts for heat production from people in the room. The diagram computes the temperature in the room into which cooled air is flowing. People in the room are used…
Overview Classic Models (.dmod) extract use templates to extract data from a specific report at a time. Classic Models can also acquire data from structured sources like Excel, CSV, and Database sources. Classic models may include filters, sorts, calculated fields, lookup fields, and summary aggregations. Data Prep Studio…
Overview 機構解析ソフトAltair MotionView / MotionSolveはPython APIが提供されており、さまざまな自動化が可能です。 今回はケーブル配策を対象に、ケーブルモデルを自動生成するPythonサンプルスクリプトを作成しました。 これにより、あるテンションをかけてケーブルをクリップした場合の最大曲げ角度(曲率)やトータルの曲げ角度などを評価できます。 Pre-Requisite サンプルスクリプトのダウンロードはこちらです。 Altair SimulationのDesktop, Mechanical Solversのインストールが必要です。 ファイル構成 00_python_sub…
Overview We regularly get the question about running HyperView with command line. In this example I authored a script which loads a flexible report in HyperView, animate all pages once (this API requires 2022.3), then export all curves in XY format. The video below show some details about this script:…
Overview this demo scripts shows how to simplify tcl automation by using both hwc and postquery package (a custom tcl package authored earlier by one of our engineers and integrated in core software) for quickly applying bulk changes on multiple notes in HyperView. Usage/Installation Instructions See following videos for…
Overview A falling object protective structure (FOPS) is an assembly mounted around the cabin of a machine to guarantee overhead protection to the machine operator in the driving position. To be evaluated, the structure must pass a destructive test in accordance with International Standards such as ISO 3449. These…
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