Executing RapidMiner Process on Php button click

Ayesha New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
I've .xml file of my rm process. i want to run rm process on php button click which then displays the result of process in a textbox. Please help!.


  • varunm1
    varunm1 New Altair Community Member
    Hello @Ayesha

    If you are asking for a PhP API for rapidminer, I don't see anything available especially that can display results. The general way is to use rapidminer server for web services. 

    You can run the process from command line

    @mschmitz or @BalazsBarany might have some workaround for this.

    Correct me if my understanding is not correct.

  • sgenzer
    Altair Employee
    yes you're right @varunm1. This is the classic use case for using a RapidMiner Server webservice. 


  • SGolbert
    SGolbert New Altair Community Member

    you definiely need the server for this. There are workarounds but they suck. You would basically have to have an external web service (something like Python's Flask) that triggers the command line of RM Studio. And Studio takes quite some time to load up . . .
