k-Omega model initiation
Presently I was working with Spallart-Allmaras turbulence model only. But now I have to simulate using K-Omega model in AcuSolve. Unfortunately I'm ain't understanding how to initiate a k-omega model.
Could you please share or tell me how to initiate a k-omega model using simple examples.
Thank you in advance..
Please used AcuSolve 2017 and leave the defaults. They will automatically assigned nodal initial conditions. Older versions, probably do not have this. Let us know if defaults in v2017 work for you.
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Unfortunately I don't have AcuSolve 2017 but presently working on AcuSolve 2014. Can you please help me how to work in 2014 AcuSolve please.
Thank You
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There have been substantial improvements in turbulence models with AcuSolve 2017, including in terms of stability and robustness.
Post your .inp and .Log files of v14. Still it would be worth to upgrade /emoticons/default_wink.png' srcset='/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x' title=';)' width='20'>