Impact of Steel sphere on aluminium sandwich panel

I am trying to simulate a impact condition . Simulation is running but steel sphere is not penetrating the sandwich panel . I am attaching the file here can any one suggest me how to proceed in this . I have used johnson cook plasticity model for aluminium .
Hi Rajeev,
You can try with the failure parameters in the material card, that is Eps_max (Failure plastic strain). As the material reaches the failure strain, those shell elements will be failed and deleted. Please see the attached file.
To model crack initialization and propagation we can use XFEM card in HyperMesh. Various failure cards are available /FAIL/XFEM_FLD, /FAIL/XFEM_JOHNS and /FAIL/XFEM_TBUTC.
We have an example file Example 26 - Ruptured Plate in the Help Menu where failure of a circular plate subjected to the impact of an infinite rigid sphere is studied and failure model used is the Forming Limit Diagram (FLD).