Thermal Analysis of Coil with Anisotropic material

Altair Forum User
Altair Employee

I want to do thermal analysis of an axial flux motor using Optistruct and coil has anisotropic material property (which is continuously changing direction) as shown in image.
Material modeled using MAT5.
As we can see the direction is changing continuously. So material can not be modeled in global system. We can model it as local system (if works) but that will also require too much manual work (as there are aproximate 200 coils).
So there is one option to apply material in elemental system, but problem is that the element system becomes non uniform throughout the coil after meshing.
We need help to create mesh of the coil so that the elemental system in longitudinal and transverse direction remains same.
If there is any other way to model the coil with anisotropic material (with thermal conductivity as shown in image); please let us know the same.
I believe India commercial support is working on this query.Same reply i am posting here aswell.
How about creating a number of local coordinate systems and assigning (1D>>Assign)each one of them to a set of coils (elements) – care should be taken so that the assigned local coordinate system is aligned correctly (with changing geometry contour) so that it replicates your thermal conductivity in the transverse & longitudinal direction.
You can call these coordinate systems in multiple PSOLID card entries.Let me know if this suggestion helps.0