Elastic Sliding between two contact surfaces

Hi together,
i would like to connect two surfaces of two different parts. The contact should be able to slide transverse (with a specific Stiffness).
Is there an option to define this transverse stiffness in the PCONT options. Can i define it over Mu1? I am just wondering because Kt is calculated with the Equation Kt = Mu1*Stiff and Stiff is only a relative? Or is there any other way to prescribe a specific stiffness to the contact (and transverse)?
Do i have to enable the option FRICESL to enable the sliding?
Thank you for your help!
Thanks a lot for your response!
Do you know what is the difference if i use the contact with FRISCEL and without?
Best Regards,
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Hi Sebastian,
If you specify a distance value, the frictional force will be proportional the distance and linear.
If it is a non zero value sliding will be based on transverse stiffness KT
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Thanks again!
So if i specify a sliding distance in FRISCEL of 5 mm the frictional force will grow linear. But at what slope? The transverse stiffness?
What happens if the sliding exceeds those 5 mm? Or is the friction force at 5mm slide increased, so that the sliding distance can t exceed this value?
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I need to check about the slope of the linearity. I will get back to you ASAP!!!