Acoustic Simulation of sound absorbing materials

Respected Sir/Madam,
I am Akshay Kore. I am studying Masters of Engg. in Design. I am doing project on Determining the coefficient of sound absorption of sound absorbing materials used in anechoic chember.
so is it possible to do acoustic simulation in Hypermesh? Also I want to calculate the the coefficient of sound absorption and Transmission loss. For that simulation we have to place the microphone in between to calculate the pressure difference in impedance tube method.
If any tutorials are available for such simulations they please shear with me.
Thank You,
Akshay Kore
Mb.No. 9096627908
Email Id :
Hello Akshay,
We've a tutorial named 'Acoustic analysis of half car model' which focuses on evaluating noise level at some points.
Please let us know if you want the same !