Cantilever Beam's displacement can't match the analysis result

I have do the simple supported beam's analysis
and when I calculate the displacement of middle, it will still have 4.8% difference.
But my element size is about 10 mm.
Why I can't match them.
I watch the z-displacement.
I have refine it but it still wrong.
Try to refine more your mesh. Your current mesh is rather 'coarse' for me.
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I have try more mesh like the file Pressure_Modify_Size 2.fem
Because we use other analysis software.
It use less mesh and can approach, so we don't know why OpitStruct can't convergence.
I see the result is used this setting
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Your refine mesh is WRONG! I'll show you later
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@Q.Nguyen-Dai Thanks for you.
I think you are talking about the full model refine.
But I have another example like my last reply, it is convergence.
Because if this simple case the element size can't be 10mm or need finer.
In the future, our model must be under this size. I think is not reasonable.
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Within model 'Pressure_Modify Size 2.fem' you have refined at middle of beam, why?
That's not the good method to refine in order to get better results.
In your case, the first area you have to refine is at clamp. Because in this area, you have the most important stress gradient.
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@Q.Nguyen-Dai I think is the boundary I constrain all d.o.f.
I think it should release some d.o.f.
Do you have any other suggestions?
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In your model, force position seems to be incorrect
you use PLOAD4 on a layer of solid => so force position is at middle of that layer while it should act at one end of the beam
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@tinh Thanks to your reply.
So I can't apply on the surface of element.
And how should I apply at the position.
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Distribute it to nodes at the end of beam
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Altair Forum User said:
In your model, force position seems to be incorrect
you use PLOAD4 on a layer of solid => so force position is at middle of that layer while it should act at one end of the beam
Yes magnitude as well as type of load doesnt match with the hand hand calculation. Also unit system for fea and hand calculation could be differing. Kindly take note of it.
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