Exporting colors from one flux project to another

You can do it by following the next steps:
- open Flux project
- in the tree on the left click on [Tools] [Colors] (in fact on the cross in front of the menu) to open the menu with colors
- click on one color (or more than one, using the CTRL keyboard function to add colors in the same list) (I would recommend to select only NEW colors)
- then right click
- then select [Python export]
- give a name inthe [pyton file] part, for instance colors
- click on the [OK] button
- close your current Flux project
- open the Flux project where you want to import your new colors
- select the menu [Project] [Command file] [execute in direct mode]
- select the python file you have generated (for instance colors.py)
- it will generate your new colors (note: there will be an error if the name of the color is already defined)
I hope it will work on your side.
Another way to do it one by one is the following:
- select your color in the tree on the left
- right click
- selelct [Display PyFlux command]
- it will display the command to generate the color in the [output] window
- copy the command (for instance
- then open your second Flux project where you want to create this color- paste the lines in the [PyFlux Command] window
- click on the green arrow on the left
- it will execute the pyFlux command, and generate this color (without error if the name does not exist yet)
I hope it will help.