Contact analysis with Optistruct with 2 time-steps

Altair Forum User
Altair Employee

Hi Everybody,
I would like to model a Contact-Friction anlayse between two bodies with a pressure load and relative velocity in two time steps.
- At first time and second time step I would like to apply a pressure
- At the second time step I would like to apply Relative movement ( with the presure along with friction applied)between two bodies.
Please help me in this regard!
Thanking You,
Altair Forum User said:- At first time and second time step I would like to apply a pressure
Does this mean that pressure is only load in first event and relative movement adds in second?
If yes, you can run a non-linear transient analysis with two TLOADs.
1st for pressure and 2nd for relative movement.
Say the total event time is 10secs. For first 5secs pressure alone is applied and next 5secs relative movement add along with pressure. In this case create a TLOAD for pressure from 0 to 10 and another TLOAD for relative movement starting from 6 till 10