How to observe the actual rupture/breakage of a model subjected to large loads?

I am trying to observe if a FE model actually ruptures (the elements 'fly out') when subjected to extremely heavy/impact loading, such as a bullet piercing through a metallic plate.
Can anybody suggest some good examples, along with detailed procedure to perform this kind of analysis in HyperMesh?
Thanks and Regards,
Altair Forum User said:
Please refer Radioss Examples of Rupture plate.See attached Screenshot.Runnable deck would be available in installation directory for commercial software.
Rahul R
Thanks Rahul.
I have gone through the Plate Rupture example you have mentioned, but what I actually want is the step-by-step procedure of performing the simulation, and I didn't find the tutorial for that example.
I'ld be glad if you could help me with it.
Thanks and Regards,