How can I add two copper patch on the edges of this half arc shape antenna?[2023.1 Version]

sswh2 Altair Community Member


I am attaching here my model of the conformal antenna,

1. how can I see the feed location coordinates here? The measure tool is not giving me proper coordinates as global coordinates are at a distance from the patch center and it's a curvature so I can't get the proper X,Y coordinates of this feed.

2. How to add add two copper patches touching the one end to end to the other end of this half arc shape antenna?


Best Answer

  • Shannon_Mistry
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @sswh2,

    I created two points that give the co-ordinates of the start and end of the feedline. Please see the attached model file.

    Can you share a picture or description of how the two copper patches are supposed to be aligned?


    Shannon Mistry
