STATSUB (PRELOAD) in Linear Static Analysis

Mandy Kramer
Mandy Kramer Altair Community Member
edited February 4 in Community Q&A


I'm having difficulty using the STATSUB (PRELOAD) option within my linear static load case. I would like to use an applied force preload to a bushing element in the attached .fem file. The sample distributed load is equal and opposite to the preload, which should result in a no-deformation condition.

The four load cases in the sample model are as follows:

  1. combined load: LOADADD of the preload and distributed load. This should result in a balanced zero-deflection result. Results are as expected
  2. preload: linear static load case with the preload force assigned to the "LOAD." This should result in a 0.25" extension of the bushing element. Results are as expected.
  3. STATSUB (PRELOAD): references "preload" case under STATSUB (PRELOAD) with distributed load assigned under "LOAD." This should result in a balanced zero-deflection result, but looks equivalent to load case 4.
  4. distributed load: distributed load assigned under "LOAD." Preload is not applied in this case. This should result in a 0.25" compression of the bushing element. Results are as expected.

Please help me to understand why load case 3 is not behaving the same as load case 1.

Thank you,



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