Axi-Symmetric error - CTAXI

Hello !
Do you know how I can solve this error:
"CTAXI 125401 5 4177 4176 4178"
This line was interpreted as:
194052:CTAXI, 125401, 5, 4177, , 4176, , 4178
*** ERROR # 1000 *** in the input data:
Incorrect data in field # 5. Field 'G2' of CTAXI bulk data.
Expected INT > 0, found BLANK.
Hi Axel,
If you see the CTAXI definition of the element specified, the 5th field is blank. This has to be a
number >0. So correct this element and rerun.
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Hi Rajashri,
It appears that it's in all my CTAXI element:
It may come when I change my element from CTRIA3 for CTAXI… Do you know if it's possible to create CTAXI element directly? Or change the 5th field automatically on all my CTAXI element?
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You should have kept Element type as CTAXI(for tria) and CQAXI (for quad). May be you can update the element type and see. Not sure why you have that blank space. because I can see 3 grids.
Because of the blank space, you are getting the error.