Cannot use groups to define Guide and Limit faces in Select Adjacent Layers

I'm having an issue with SimLab 2024.1 where I cannot use Face Groups to define the Guide faces and Limit faces in the Select Adjacent Layers tool.
I can click on faces on the model normally which works however when I try to add a Face Group nothing shows up. Is this intended behaviour and is there a work around for an automation pipeline?
Will it work if I manually edit the python script to reference the Face Groups instead of the face IDs?
Best Answer
Happy to. I was able to replicate the problem. A workaround is to edit your code. For example, I have this hollowed cylinder with two groups created. Top and bottom faces:
You can edit the script by asking the new IDs of the surfaces each time it runs. In case the IDs change:
Please edit it similar as shown. Make sure if you have multiple faces in your groups to index all necessary surfaces. Hope this helps.
Kind regards,
Can you share your workflow? Maybe some screenshots would be helpful. How do you create your face groups? I've recently automated with groups to create my fluid domain with wet and limit face and had no problems with it.
Kind regards,
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Thanks for taking a look @Marc_21384
I have some face groups that I've assigned previously (using face colours from the CAD).
The ones I want to use for the guides are the "plate_seed_face" and the ones I want to use for the limit is "plate_limit_faces".
When I select the relevant faces directly on the model it works as intended:
However when I attempt to select the same faces using the groups nothing happens
I hope this makes the issue more clear.
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Happy to. I was able to replicate the problem. A workaround is to edit your code. For example, I have this hollowed cylinder with two groups created. Top and bottom faces:
You can edit the script by asking the new IDs of the surfaces each time it runs. In case the IDs change:
Please edit it similar as shown. Make sure if you have multiple faces in your groups to index all necessary surfaces. Hope this helps.
Kind regards,