ERROR # 5408 - No Structural modes have been found

ram_see_syn01 Altair Community Member

I am building an input deck a bit manually for demonstration purpose of how FRA works. Attached is the deck I built (which is actually based on the training example available from Altair).

However, when I run this deck, I get ERROR # 5408


 *** WARNING # 3917
 No mode exists in the interval specified.
        subcase ID = 1
 minimum frequency = -1.0000e+01
 maximum frequency =  1.0000e+03
Beginning modal dynamic frequency response analysis
 *** ERROR # 5408 ***
 Aborting analysis because no structural modes have been
 computed in the modal dynamic subcase 1.
 This error occurs in module "mfrfdrv".


I am awaiting the community's kind response on what is the issue with deck that is not running. 


Best Answer

  • ram_see_syn01
    ram_see_syn01 Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi Rajashri,

    Thanks for responding. It was not due to loadsteps/ load collectores. I fixed the error by removing out PARAM, WTMASS and increasing the EIGRL upper bound to 10000Hz. The error 5408 says there is no eigenfrequency found in the range specified.


  • Rajashri_Saha
    Altair Employee

    I took a glance on your .fem file and found quite a number of mistakes in load collector creation.

    You have kept SPC, DAREA, FREQi in a single load collector which is not correct. You need to separate out each into different load collectors and call them in respective field while defining Load step.

    From the model I am assuming that you are doing the MFRF tutorial available in help page. Here is the link for it so that you can do the steps correctly.

    Go through the steps and if you are still getting error let me know.



  • ram_see_syn01
    ram_see_syn01 Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi Rajashri,

    Thanks for responding. It was not due to loadsteps/ load collectores. I fixed the error by removing out PARAM, WTMASS and increasing the EIGRL upper bound to 10000Hz. The error 5408 says there is no eigenfrequency found in the range specified.

  • Rajashri_Saha
    Altair Employee

    Yes, I agree to your point. PARAM, WTMASS should be removed. Before doing FRF , always conduct a modal analysis to see the natural frequency for the component/assembly. You will get an idea of frequency range. But still regarding the set up, do not keep SPC, DAREA, FREQi in one single load collector.