I have question about exporting file from FluxMotor to Flux.

So, my purpose is to do a thermal analysis of various motor designs on WMTC driving cycle and this is one of my design. I am working on both programs because I already ran the result in FluxMotor but I also want the result from Flux too, to compare the result and check reliability. First picture I have motor model of FluxMotor, but then in the second picture, I export file to Flux but fins that attached to the frame disappears. How can I get those fins back?, Are there any locations to get my fins back? or Are there any functions to imitate motor design and parameters from FluxMotor to Flux?
Dear Saetawat_Saibang,
Thanks for contacting us.
The two tools have different solvers for the thermal solution: Fluxmotor uses an equivalent 1D thermal network in the background and it is possible to export the complete thermal model for FlowSimulator in the latest versions of FluxMotor. Make sure you completed the thermal design adding shaft and bearings before export the model.
Flux uses FEM and the 2D model cannot properly consider the housing, shaft, bearings.. because of the 3D effect of these components on the thermal exchange. To carry out the thermal analysis in Flux2D you can export the thermal model from: Export —> Flux2D —> Static —> TEST SELECTION : thermal model.
Unfortunately, the Flux model is not thermally complete, but this is because some simplifications have to be made. For example, convection coefficients have to be defined by the user in Flux, whereas FlowSimulator estimates them.
Please let me know if you still have doubts on this topic.
Best regards,