Obtaining Elements by path using HM Commands

Thirukumaran Altair Community Member


I have an objective to extract elements "by path". I have $elem1 and $elem2 in a closed loop. Is it possible to append the elements between $elem1 and $elem2 "by path" using tcl script and HM command? If yes, kindly provide the related API command for the same.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Thanks in advance,

Thirukumaran S



  • Hello @Thirukumaran ,

    so far I identified


    which allows to define interactively a list of element by path

    I will double check with my colleagues if there is a similar command without having to select interactively the elements

    Merry Christmas!


  • Thirukumaran
    Thirukumaran Altair Community Member

    Hello Michael,

    We are trying to minimize the interaction of the elements to be picked. If we could get an API without interactive selection, that would help out a lot in this case. Kindly share your valuable insight.

    Thank you for your time!

    Thirukumaran S

  • Michael Herve_21439
    Michael Herve_21439
    Altair Employee

    Hello @Thirukumaran ,

    the only other API right now that could be similar is hm_findpolygonselection (altair.com), but that requires minimum of three elements to create a “loop”

    I will report a ticket to our develooment team so that we implement such an API in the future.

    May I ask you for more details about your automation: where is this element by bath selection is used, for which purpose, so that I can think about alternate approaches?

    Best Regards,
