I don't find the heat flux in my cryogenic tank

Hello every one
In my Optistruct model , i'm modling a cryogenic tank, with in BC , a fixe temperature inside and un vection from a gaz outside using the ConvG card. But when i look at the result, i don't find any heat flux or temperature gradient inside the D mesh.
i did put the ouptout request , ad i do have result juste that the result to match whati's reasonnable to expect. i go contant temperature in all the tank and no heat flux.
it's my first time doing this type of analysis ( i'm a structure guy not thermal one from trade) and i didn't find a up to date OS-T 1085.
What did i miss ?
I attache the fem , it's too big .
Hi Timothe
I have attached the training file for steady state heat analysis including a pdf with step by step for the setup.
You can use this as a reference.
Kind regardsJuergen