Require Detailed Files for Hyperstudy and EDEM Calibration

jc_794 Altair Community Member


I am learning using EDEM and Hyperstudy for material calibration. And I find this official tutorial is useful:

How to Calibrate Material Model with EDEM and HyperStudyEDEM - How to Calibrate Material Model with EDEM and HyperStudy

However, this official tutorial lacks detailed files for us to reproduce. Can Altair provide us with these files for learning? Thanks.


  • Garima_Singh
    Altair Employee

    Hi @jc_794,

    For learning more about HyperStudy-EDEM integration, one can refer the below blog as it has all the relevant details related to get you started.

    In the files section, you will find the file as an attachment. I have also added the file in this response as well for your reference.

    In addition to this, you can refer the HyperStudy-EDEM e-learning module (as shown below) using the link as well.

    In this specific module, the same mixer example has been used.

    Many thanks.

    Kind Regards

    Garima Singh