Inquiry Regarding EDEM and Fluent Coupling

Wissenschaft Altair Community Member

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I'm currently exploring the possibility of coupling EDEM with Fluent. However, I have encountered an issue regarding the need for a compiler to transfer data to the .jou file from the tutorial. Or do I missunderstand the Tutorial?

Could anyone kindly provide me some guidance or assistance on how to proceed with this?

Thanks in advance


Best Answer

  • Stephen Cole
    Stephen Cole
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi, the EDEM-Fluent coupling compiler is currently available on a case by case basis. I will send you a separate mail regarding access.




  • Stephen Cole
    Stephen Cole
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi, the EDEM-Fluent coupling compiler is currently available on a case by case basis. I will send you a separate mail regarding access.



  • Wissenschaft
    Wissenschaft Altair Community Member

    Hi Stephen,

    thank you for the EDEM-Fluent coupling compiler. It is working now.

    Best regards,