what is mean grid Value in result data.

HK2204 Altair Community Member

Result show some grid number , numbers what is desfine in result.


  • Hello @HK2204 ,

    Grid is same than Node

    Hope that helps,


  • HK2204
    HK2204 Altair Community Member

    what is meaning of Grid value ?

    value ,what is represent in result data?

  • Michael Herve_21439
    Michael Herve_21439
    Altair Employee
    edited November 25

    Hello again,

    You applied a nodal contour in HyperView (displacement, stress averaged on nodes, …). Then max xx at grid yyy means that for this contour, the max is xx, and is located on node yyy.

    hope this helps,


  • HK2204
    HK2204 Altair Community Member

    Value defines location of node or Node Number ?

  • hello,

    that depends what you plotted as result in HyperView. If you plot a displacement,value is the displacement for this node. If you plot an average stress result, then value is average stress at this node.

    But the picture you sent first doesn't expose what is plotted here.

    Best Regards,
