Why Filter Stop Words by dictionary isn't working?

New Altair Community Member
I'm new to this tool, that's why I ask so many questions.
I'm using the filter stop_words with a dictionary (as a file that contains stopwords one per line) , but when I run it, the words keep coming with the same words in the list...
For example, 'a_a' 'em_algo' (Portuguese articles).
What could I be doing wrong? All operators are connected.
I saw that its better to ask the question and share the XML, if someone give me instructions for so, I'd also be gratefull.
I'm using the filter stop_words with a dictionary (as a file that contains stopwords one per line) , but when I run it, the words keep coming with the same words in the list...
For example, 'a_a' 'em_algo' (Portuguese articles).
What could I be doing wrong? All operators are connected.
I saw that its better to ask the question and share the XML, if someone give me instructions for so, I'd also be gratefull.
you can go to View → Show Panel → XML to open the XML panel and copy it from there.
Or export the process via File → Export Process