Forecasting demand

New Altair Community Member
I want help regarding forcast time series data. I want to predict the sales for one week in the future for each product from each store. I have sales data with some attributes. Can anyone help me? I have attached a file with the sales at 2 and 3 january 2024 for each product and store.
Thank You in advance.
I want help regarding forcast time series data. I want to predict the sales for one week in the future for each product from each store. I have sales data with some attributes. Can anyone help me? I have attached a file with the sales at 2 and 3 january 2024 for each product and store.
Thank You in advance.
Have you had a look at the RapidMiner Academy?
There you can find lots of resources regarding time series forecasting. Here are some links to get you started:
- Time Series Forecast and Validation with Holt-Winters (
- ARIMA model forecasting and validation | RapidMiner Studio
- Time series data to machine learning data set with windowing (
- Time series forecasting and feature generation | RapidMiner
- Solution: Walmart Sales Forecast (