Extract Date Part that contain Early KeyWord using regex (replace operator)

sgnarkhede2016 New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
From below data extract the date that contains Early keyword using regex

Apr 24, 2022-Apr 30, 2022+Early,Jun 16, 2022-Jun 30, 2022+Delay,Jun 23, 2022-Jun 30, 2022+NA,Jun 26, 2022-Jun 30, 2022+Early

Apr 24, 2022-Apr 30, 2022,Jun 26, 2022-Jun 30


  • jwpfau
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2023

    This is way easier with the matches method of the Generate Attributes operator.

    But if you really want to replace the non matching part, you should read about negative lookahead.

  • sgnarkhede2016
    sgnarkhede2016 New Altair Community Member
    Thanks, But it not working for me fully

    Input : Apr 24, 2022-Apr 30, 2022+Early,May 16, 2022-May 30, 2022+Delay,Jan 01, 2022-Jan 30, 2022+Early,Jun 26, 2022-Jun 30, 2022+NA

    regex: ([^+^,]+,)+[^+^,]+\+(?!Early)[^,]+,|\+[^,]+
    Early Expected  : Apr 24, 2022-Apr 30, 2022,Jan 01, 2022-Jan 30, 2022
    Getting : Apr 24, 2022-Apr 30, 2022,Jan 01, 2022-Jan 30, 2022,Jun 26, 2022-Jun 30, 2022

    regex: ([^+^,]+,)+[^+^,]+\+(?!Delay)[^,]+,|\+[^,]+
    Delay Expected: May 16, 2022-May 30, 2022
    Delay :May 16, 2022-May 30, 2022,Jun 26, 2022-Jun 30, 2022

    Can you please help me on this
  • jwpfau
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2023
    This should work
    (make sure to remove additional whitespaces after pasting)
  • Eden60
    Eden60 New Altair Community Member
    To extract the dates containing the "Early" keyword using regular expressions (regex) from the given data, you can use the following regex pattern:


    Here's how this regex pattern works:

    • \b: This is a word boundary anchor to ensure that we match whole words.
    • (?:Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec): This part matches the abbreviated month names (e.g., Apr, Jun).
    • \s: Matches a single whitespace character.
    • \d{1,2},\s\d{4}-: Matches the date in the format "dd, yyyy-" (e.g., "24, 2022-").
    • .*?: Matches any characters (non-greedy- blue prism).
    • Early: Matches the keyword "Early".
    I hope this will help you.

    Eden Wheeler