Setup / Install Configuration

New Altair Community Member
Im currently installing Rapidminor in a Classroom for students with their central deployment solution, my problem is that licence
file and settings are stored in c:\users\”and the folder of logged on user” e.g
Our concern is that we on regulary basis cleaning up folders to preserve diskspace so we usually redirect files and settings like thisTo our users home directory, so how do we (if its even possible) redirect these settings in rapidmining studio
We are currently running ver 9
Absolutely. You can always change the installation folder for RM Studio.
The installation folder is not very big. But the local repository usually takes a lot of disk space. You can move the location for your local repositories from c: drive to d: as an example.
Check out this post about the path of local repository
When you create new repository connections, you can modify the location of that
YY1 -
Hi @rosjo_02
If You want to move the .RapidMiner folder to the users folder (for example C:\Users\Student01) use our RapidMiner-Studio.bat file to bypass an enviroment variable.
The following variable modify the user default location directory path
Open the bat file and modify the following lines:
echo Launching RapidMiner Studio GUI now...
"%JAVA%" %JVM_OPTIONS% [-Duser.home="...."] -cp .........
goto startEnd
Between the brackets You can specify the directory path.