Python code in Jupyter

jabr New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
I have an excel sheet that is updating with real-time data.

Here the time is extracting as 2.0211E+13 which should be like this 20210513095417. I need to extract 2.0211E+13 and split it into each column as date and time in Python (Jupyter notebook)?

Anybody, please help.


  • Caperez
    Caperez Altair Community Member
    Hi @jabr,

    for the first part, just change de type of of column in you excel file from number to a general. 

    for the second part, be sure that you import the Date column as polynominal attribute. Then run your python script. 

    please find attached an sample process. 



  • jabr
    jabr New Altair Community Member
    @ceaperez Thanks for the solutions. Is it possible to send the same process as the python code. The code which can be used in the jupyter Notebook.I am doing this project in python.
  • Caperez
    Caperez Altair Community Member
    Hi @jabr

    Inside the process you have a python script. 

    the basic code is this:

    from datetime import datetime

    d = ["20210513095417", "20210514095417", "20210515095417"]
    l = len(d)
    for x in range(l):
    d1 = d[x]
    dt = datetime(year=int(d1[0:4]), month=int(d1[4:6]), day=int(d1[6:8]))
    d[x] = dt
