Process visualization issues with automodel
New Altair Community Member
I want to see the whole process generated by AutoModel, but nevertheless when I click on open process, it opens something similar to a tutorial with many options, which has nothing to do with the model maded.
The AutoModel process is designed for flexibility, efficiency and its later deployment, and not so much for human consumption. It is not a series of options but rather it is a sequence of sub-processes. You can see it is a sequence by pressing the little blue square at the top of the process window which shows the order of the sub-process execution. Those processes communicate via named memory locations using remember and recall operation and in many places have very complex logic. So what you see is indeed a full process and it is "to do with the model made", moreover the model which is optimised to solve the problem based on a data set you have provided (you can find the model inside one of those sub-processes, most likely called "Train Model".0