Does anyone mantain the RM Finance and Economics extension anymore?
New Altair Community Member
It seems to be abandoned since 2014. And there are issues that have come up since those days, specially regarding Yahoo API use but does anyone still mantain that extension? Seems there is nothing like it for RM but nowadays it seems the only way to get that kind of functionality is with PythonScript extension.
Yes, it is sad but true, that extension is no longer maintained. It's too bad because there are a number of operators in it that still offer functionality that is difficult to replicate using any other method in RapidMiner. So it's basically "use at your own risk".
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Is it possible to find the old authors? I'm asking @sgenzer about it, basically.Given the state of RapidMiner as of now (it has advanced a lot and there were lots of API changes), I wouldn't dare to replicate and maintain this extension.1
Take a look at this link please, this extension is for version 6.4 which is old.
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@mbs that is the old extension we are talking about
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Hi all
This link can help more take a look on that
Good luck
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hi @pblack476 so yes sadly that extension is very, very dead. I wrote a KB article about this (and a suggested alternative) back in August 2017:
TBH I have not looked at this in a while. BUT now with the new Custom Operators extension, it would be much easier to wrap this into an operator rather than hard-coding w/Java. Just use the Web Mining operator's Get Page operator instead of the Enrich Data via Webservice, as the latter just does not work well with modern APIs any more.