How to process Hybrid models in rapidminer..

New Altair Community Member
I want to hybrid SVM and arima models. One research paper shows hybrid Of SVM and arima increases accuracy but i don't know how to hybrid both in rapidminer..
Best Answer
Without a link to the paper, it will be difficult to guess what the research paper was trying to achieve. I would get up to speed working with normal time series models in Rapidminer first. Also, just because you read it in a paper does not mean that it is true. The only way to know if one technique really is better than another is to test on your own data.1
Without a link to the paper, it will be difficult to guess what the research paper was trying to achieve. I would get up to speed working with normal time series models in Rapidminer first. Also, just because you read it in a paper does not mean that it is true. The only way to know if one technique really is better than another is to test on your own data.1