How to visualize the airflow inside a fluid domain while using RADIOSS
Good Morning
I am trying to perform a CFD analysis using RADIOSS solver. I have created a rectangular box structure representing the fluid domain. I have used Material Law 6 to define AIR as the material and I have used PFLUID as the load. I would like to visualize the airflow inside the domain while simulating this using RADIOSS solver as I will be performing FSI in the future. Is it possible to do this and which parameter should I request as output to visualize it.
Thanks in Advance
Hi Arun,
In order to create the outputs you need for your simulation, you can use the following basic keywords based on the type of outputs you are using:
- /H3D output requests ( )
- /H3D/NODA/VEL - Velocity
- /H3D/ELEM/P - Pressure
- /H3D/ELEM/DENS - Density
- /H3D/ELEM/MACH - Mach Number
- /H3D/ELEM/SSP - Speed of Sound
- /ANIM output requests ( )
- /ANIM/VECT/VEL - Velocity
- /ANIM/ELEM/P - Pressure
- /ANIM/ELEM/DENS - Density
- /ANIM/ELEM/MACH - Mach Number
- /ANIM/ELEM/SSP - Speed of Sound
Keep in mind that if you are using /MAT/LAW151, which is element based, then for the velocity output you should use /H3D/ELEM/VECT/VEL (no equivalent /ANIM request) to visualize the velocity results.
You can also create some streamlines using the HyperView Post Processor. The attached video explains how to visualize the above contours and how to create the streamlines too based on the Mok Benchmark problem. ( )
0 - /H3D output requests ( )