How to built a model witrh setpoints i want

New Altair Community Member
Hi all,
I have a dataset with these attributes :

what I want is to find correlations between speed and pressure , and make predictions about events that will happen.
I want a way to train a model, in order to can I achieve my purpose. For example, if for 10 minutes or more,pressure is above average that means that I have an event which my model has to know. How can I train my model to know it ?Which is the way in Rapidminer?
Thanks in advance.
I have a dataset with these attributes :

what I want is to find correlations between speed and pressure , and make predictions about events that will happen.
I want a way to train a model, in order to can I achieve my purpose. For example, if for 10 minutes or more,pressure is above average that means that I have an event which my model has to know. How can I train my model to know it ?Which is the way in Rapidminer?
Thanks in advance.
You first need to define the attribute you are trying to predict, which in RapidMiner is called a label. So in your example, you would need to use Generate Attributes to define something like "Pressure_Event" and then use Set Role to make it your label. I highly recommend going through some of the built-in tutorials around model training and validation, it will make working with RapidMiner for this purpose much more clear.2
@Telcontar120 Thanks for your answer,
I have already seen tutorials about this, but what I want to say is when I choose a model through RM I want to give some definitions like "when pressure is under 2000 for 10 minutes or more, it means a problem in machines and you have to learn it, in order to have a prediction next time that this gonna happen".
I hope I make it more clear.
Thanks again.