How replace missing values with average 0 decimals after the comma (for example: 8 in stead of 8.23)

haasder New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
I have some missing ages in my dataset. I want to replace them with averages with zero decimals after the comma, so with no commas. Can someone help me?


  • David_A
    David_A New Altair Community Member

    you can use the Generate Attributes operator to round the numbers (function round(), ceil() or floor()).
    If you only want to round the replaced values. I would generate a temporary flag attribute before the replacement (if(missing(att1), 1,0) ) and then later only apply the rounding to those examples, were the flag is true:
    if(flag=TRUE, round(att1), att1)

  • Telcontar120
    Telcontar120 New Altair Community Member
    You can also use Format Numbers and then specify whatever pattern you want.