Editing figures

MarlaBot New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
A RapidMiner user wants to know the answer to this question: "Hey, is there a possible way to edit and modify the figures inside RapidMiner or the figures exported from it. Thank you."


  • Telcontar120
    Telcontar120 New Altair Community Member
    The new visualizations module provides a lot more control over the charts and graphs, but there isn't much documentation around it yet.  So you will probably have to do some trial-and-error approaches.  But you have the ability to change titles, fonts, labels, colors, and many other visual elements.
  • sgenzer
    Altair Employee
    hmm my first question would be around what you mean by "figures"... @Telcontar120 is right of course if it's about visualizations.