List Sharepoint Files

User22883 New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A

I am trying to read csv data from my compaines Sharepoint site.  When I entre my token as suggested in the operator instructions I receive the following error.

My question is:  How can I determine what the error is.  Is there a way to see the http return parameters?  Ta




  • varunm1
    varunm1 New Altair Community Member
    Hi @User22883

    Can you go through the below thread if it's helpful?

    @pschlunder can suggest you more on this.

  • User22883
    User22883 New Altair Community Member
    Thank you for the link.  I have followed those steps.  I would like to be able to debug the http reques so I can see what error code is returned.
  • pschlunder
    pschlunder New Altair Community Member
    please try setting the Log level to fine. Then you'll see additional information.

    You can access the log by enabling the view through the "View" menu item, "Show Panel" and selecting "Log". Now right click in the log view and select "FINE" in the "Set log level" menu option.

    I hope this helps to identify the problem.

    Did you make sure to only copy the auth token from the url and no other following URI arguments?

    Is this a SharePoint site you are trying to access or a different Sharepoint Resource?

  • User22883
    User22883 New Altair Community Member
    Hi Philipp,
    Thank you, the log details were helpful.
