Tripadvisor reviews in xls.file - need specific word frequency

New Altair Community Member
Hi there! I have 120 reviews from Tripadvisor, plus info such as rating, country, "travel with", etc in an excel file.(600 reviews - 5 different hotels). I am doing my thesis for sustainability practises in hotel industry. Firstly, i want to find specific words in the reviews such as green, sustainable, local, etc, their frequency and then their relation with satisfaction-rating, the country they are coming from, etc. I have already look into previous comments but could't find any relevant. I am newbie but I watched most of the tutorial videos but this is so new for me and I am not sure which operators to choose and then which parameters need to add. I really need your help!
Thank you in advance!!!
Thank you in advance!!!
Hi,Auto Model comes with built-in support for text analytics since version 9.2 - so this may be helpful. We also have just published some new videos on text analytics on our Academy site which should give you all the building blocks you need to create those word counts:Hope this helps,Ingo