How to Migrate the data from different excel files to Rapidminer?

abayeste New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Hi, I am beginner to Rapidminer and I wonder if you could help me to migrate data from four excel files in Rapidminer to conduct a prediction model on. Greatly appreciated in advance.


  • BalazsBaranyRM
    BalazsBaranyRM New Altair Community Member

    What do you mean by migrate?
    There's a Read Excel operator. You can use it by setting up the import with the wizard or with the default settings. It's then a good idea to put the data into your repository using the Store operator.

    If you have a large number of Excel (or other) files to process, take a look at the Loop Files operator. It helps with doing these things automatically.

    Here's the official RapidMiner training video:

  • Telcontar120
    Telcontar120 New Altair Community Member
    You are probably also going to have to worry about joining the data together if it is related data spread out across multiple files, so take a look at the Join operator and the Append operator.  Joins can be tricky unless there is a clear and simple id field that is the same and present in all your input files.