Run multiple RM in a class with free educationa license

EGV New Altair Community Member
edited November 5 in Community Q&A
I'd like to run an exercise with RM in class. Ideally, at the begining f the course I would distribute a Linux image to all the students, including an installation of RM, to run as a virtual machine on their laptops. Can this be done with a (single) free educationa license? Is there another way to run multiple RMs in class?



  • rfuentealba
    rfuentealba New Altair Community Member
    Hi @EGV,

    No, you shouldn't distribute your personal licenses. What you can do, however, is to install RapidMiner on your computer and copy all the repositories you want to make available to your students in the .RapidMiner/repositories directory. Once RapidMiner is run for the first time by the student, they should put their personal license and/or register with RapidMiner.

    Wondering if @leti has more ideas about this.

    All the best,

  • EGV
    EGV New Altair Community Member
    Hi Rodrigo (@rfuentealba), thanks for your answer!

    I wanted to avoid that students had to register and get a license only to use RM once :(
    I'll try to find if there's another way.


    Altair Employee
    @EGV we understand that is an issue and we have seen and solved this before. Please reach out to us via our contact form ( so we can get this solved with you "offline". @sgenzer
  • EGV
    EGV New Altair Community Member
    Already did, waiting for them to contact. Thanks for your suggestion @sgenzer.
  • sgenzer
    Altair Employee
    hi @EGV so RapidMiner does not have academic lab licenses. All licenses are on a per-email address basis. So basically we recommend something like this:

    1. Build your VM and distribute etc...
    2. Have each of your students sign up with RapidMiner at and apply for an academic license.
    3. Have your students boot up their VM. When RM Studio is launched for the first time, they will accept the EULA and then go here:

    Then s/he enters her new RM account info here:

    Then s/he will be good to go.
