Get tweets in a language other than English

student_compute New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
  I want to get tweets in Farsi by using the RapidMiner program.
But the words are inaccurate. And symbolically
I searched a lot but could not solve the problem
Someone can help me out how should I make the necessary adjustments?
For example, where should I set utf8 encoding?
Is it possible to receive Persian tweets with Python scripts? Please help me
Thanks if you help me
I am waiting for your response


  • JEdward
    JEdward New Altair Community Member



    You can set your preferences at Settings -> General -> Encoding: "UTF-8", restart RapidMiner Studio for it to take effect.  After that your process should simply be:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><process version="9.0.002">
    <operator activated="true" class="process" compatibility="9.0.002" expanded="true" name="Process">
    <process expanded="true">
    <operator activated="true" class="social_media:search_twitter" compatibility="9.0.000" expanded="true" height="68" name="Search Twitter" width="90" x="179" y="136">
    <parameter key="connection" value="Twitter"/>
    <parameter key="query" value="Samsung"/>
    <parameter key="language" value="fa"/>
    <connect from_op="Search Twitter" from_port="output" to_port="result 1"/>
    <portSpacing port="source_input 1" spacing="0"/>
    <portSpacing port="sink_result 1" spacing="0"/>
    <portSpacing port="sink_result 2" spacing="0"/>
  • student_compute
    student_compute New Altair Community Member

    thanks for your help
    I did
    But the words are inaccurate


  • JEdward
    JEdward New Altair Community Member

    What OS and system are you using?  For myself using Window 10, it works perfectly.  Maybe someone with the same configuration can see if they can replicate it.


    You definitely changed the UTF-8 setting in Preferences and then restarted? 


  • student_compute
    student_compute New Altair Community Member

    Yes I did all the settings
    But he did not
    And operating system Windows 10
    You may receive and send some Persian tweets for example


  • JEdward
    JEdward New Altair Community Member

    The reason I ask is because on my computer the results I am seeing do not appear to be a problem. 

    I'm not an expert on the language, but my result screenshot looks very different to yours





  • maryamshirzad
    maryamshirzad New Altair Community Member
    Has your problem been solved?
    Because I have the same problem.