Special Issue PlosOne AI

DocMusher New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Dear friends, PLOSONE is scheduling a special issue covering AI in health. Who is interested to co-author a paper presenting the potential of #Automodel and #noblackboxes in health and biomedical research. I think this is a right moment to present the technology to the biomed and pharma community.
Please feedback.


  • sgenzer
    Altair Employee

    tagging @IngoRM and my colleagues at RapidMiner Research @David_A @pschlunder @SGolbert @Edin_Klapic



  • David_A
    David_A New Altair Community Member

    Hi Sven,

    In my opinion this sounds like a great idea and I would be more then happy to help along (and probably the rest of the research team too).

    Do you already have a use case in mind?


    @sgenzer Thanks for pointing this out. I might have missed it otherwise.



  • sgenzer
    Altair Employee

    my pleasure, @David_A. And FYI I have just been invited to Clarkson Univ. to present a health care ML use case to masters degree students in June. I was thinking of using the ER csv file that @SvenVanPoucke posted previously, but I would be very interested to see what you guys do and perhaps present a simplified version to Clarkson...



  • DocMusher
    DocMusher New Altair Community Member



    Thank you all to agree with me this is a golden opportunity, not only to penetrate more into the odd Pharma and Biomed world, but to use all entrances, also scientific publishing to promote the technology you are creating every day. 

    To demonstrate that external scientists not on the payroll of RM can reach potential customers, I added the effect of one of our previous paper covering RM (>6500 views). 

    So, my proposal is to use health care related data to "feed" the new #Automodel tool and to demonstrate its speeds, potential, advantages compared to anything we used before focusing on medical scientists which are a different breed compared to people with coding in their genes :smileyhappy:

    Different use case could be used depending on how you think #Automodel is best presented.  

    This could be any "omics" related data, time series data, text analytics, multivariate analysis. 

    I think I can find data for any best use case you have in mind. 

    A recent example which might interest you all published in Nature: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-22613-1 mentioning "we utilized publicly available data from the NASA GeneLab repository". 


    The deadline is end of May, but a lot of text must be available from white papers covering this topic?

    Looking forward for your feedback.

