Operator ist not available in process even though extension is installed on server (TextProcessing)

bbender New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A

Dear community,

I set up an rapidminserver to run processes on my server. While the first application ran well, the trouble began when I was working with extensions.

I installed the Web Mining as well as the Text Processing extension in my local studio as well as the server. The extension is recognized by the server and the functions are available in the server Webfrontend (see screenshot). The version of the server as well as the studio are the same (TextProcessing is 7.5 and Web Mining is 7.3).


The process that issues the problem uses Text Processing Operaors. When I start the process on the server, it seems like the server exchanges the original operator through an dummy operator because it cannot find the operator on the server (even though it is available in the webfrontend see above)


I tried to find some answers online but it seems that typically the plugin setup is the issue which has worked in my context. Do I need to active / load the plugins for a certain process? If this is the case how do I activate those?


Thank you very much for your help!

Best Answer

  • Nils_Woehler
    Nils_Woehler New Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓

    Please copy the extension to  $RM_SERVER/job-agent/extensions/ folder as well and restart your RM Server. Afterwards the extensions should be available and the process should work. Seems like the Job Agent in version 8.0.1 does not point to the same location as the RM Server yet.


  • sgenzer
    Altair Employee

    hello @bbender - welcome to the community. Are you using RM8 Server?




  • bbender
    bbender New Altair Community Member

    Hello Scott,

    first of all thank you very much for your reply. Yes, it is version 8.0.001.


    The more I analyse the logs it seems that the TextProcessing and Web Mining plugin is not available within the process (in the server log it is loaded and registered, but not in the process log).


  • sgenzer
    Altair Employee

    yes that's probably right. The new Job Agents need to have the extensions as well as the core. Let me get someone more knowledgable about this to jump in here.




  • Nils_Woehler
    Nils_Woehler New Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓

    Please copy the extension to  $RM_SERVER/job-agent/extensions/ folder as well and restart your RM Server. Afterwards the extensions should be available and the process should work. Seems like the Job Agent in version 8.0.1 does not point to the same location as the RM Server yet.

  • bbender
    bbender New Altair Community Member

    Thank you very much! Now the plugins are loaded and the process runs smoothly.

    Thanks for your quick help!!

  • psalunke
    psalunke New Altair Community Member



    I am also facing the same issue for Lag series operator. Currently I am working on Rapidminer server 9.0

    Error: Dummy Operator
    The dummy operator Lag Series (replacing null) cannot be executed.

    I have already copied the extensions in job-agent/extensions folder and restarted RM server but still the issue persist.

    Can you please help me on this.



  • MartinLiebig
    Altair Employee


    Lag Series is part of value series extension. Didi you add this?


