write and read model: create model in one process, open and use in another process.
I have created a process which reads in an excel file, creates a decision tree, and assesses the accuracy of this decision tree.
I would like to use this decision tree on a scoring data set in another process.
I am aware there are two ways to do this:
1)use write model and read model
2) use store and retrieve.
When I attempt approach 1:
I click the write model operator and in the left hand parameter window, I click the file icon. I name the file, and the format is set to .mod. However when I load my second process with my scoring data, I click the read model and attempt to navigate to this .mod file. I cannot find it. I have even copy and pasted the file path and the "file cannot be found". I have tried changing the advanced parameters to xml, zipped xml and rmp.
When I attempt approach 2:
I have the store operator loaded in my first process and attempt to save my model using this. I have tried several times to save it to my local repository, but yet it never appears in my local respository.
Does anyone know why neither of these are working?
Please, and thank you
hello @sinead_bracken - welcome to the community. It sounds like you're doing all the right things. Can you please paste your process XML so we can see (instructions are on the right - "Read Before Posting" #2).
Scott0 -
Hi Scott,
Thank you so much for replying. Not quite sure why, but after several failed attempts using read model, and write model appears to have worked. Apologies for not deleting the question- I couldn't figure out how to delete it. Thank you for taking the time to reply.
Kiind regards,