I'm missing something when it comes to predicting the label for the future
Thanks in advance
Is this a time series problem? It sounds like it because of the 'weeks.'
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Yes, I guess you can say it's a time series problem as I want to predict the next week but I won't have all the attribute values for the next week to figure out the label.
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You probably already know but if you treat this problem as a time series problem and say use and ARIMA operator, you could extrapolate or 'predict' a range of where your label could go.
If you don't have all the values of A,B, and C, you could create a scoring set with some random values or even averages using an Aggregate operator and then try to predict X.
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Thanks Tom, I'll look into those options and give it a try
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you're in good hands, @TigerPaw. @Thomas_Ott is one of our RapidMiner "unicorns". Also don't forget that our YouTube Channel has tons of videos on how to use RapidMiner, and @tftemme is the guru of the Time Series extension as shown in his most recent blog entry: https://community.rapidminer.com/t5/Community-Blog/Time-Series-Extension-Features-of-Version-0-1-2/ba-p/42585. Lots of resources to take advantage of.
Good luck.