SEARCH TWITTER OPERATOR not extracting enough tweets

samantha_sam_in New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A

Hi, I am quite new to rapidminer. I am trying to extract tweets using the Search twitter operator but I have not been able to extract more than 189 ( which is a really small number for what I'm trying to achieve). I tried using two search twitter operators and used a join operator to concantenate the results which gave me more than 189 tweets. But when I scanned through the results I realized that the two search twitter operators retrieved the exact same tweets, therefore, my result was only bigger because it was made up of duplicates. Please can anyone help me with this, all I want it to be able to extract at least 1,000 tweets


  • Thomas_Ott
    Thomas_Ott New Altair Community Member

    Sometimes the search term you are searching for will only produce a few results for the current date. You might want to adjust the Until parameter with a date to see if you can get more info.


    OR, you might be rate/throttle blocked by Twitter. If you try to search for more that 3,000ish or so Tweets at one time, Twitter will block or slow you down. 

  • 781194025
    781194025 New Altair Community Member

    how to search for tweets from a specific user on a specific topic? it works fine for me on twitter but not in the 'query' box for rapidminer

  • francesca_ruisi
    francesca_ruisi New Altair Community Member

    you could try NodeXL