How to find the worst samples in manufacturing factory

I try to do abnormal detection in manufacturing factory to reduce return and repair rate, but the alarm rate is 3 times of return rate, I want to pick the worst samples to set the alarm rate = return rate but failed, the vote operator give me too many “NG possibility =1”samples ( I used 5 Classifier and ok/ng training set to find out the ng samples ), I try to solve this problem by increase Classifier and optimize training set, but the affect is not good enought to lower the alarm rate, I also try to do abnormal detection by distance but the result is even worst than vote.
so how can I improve the accuracy in rapidminer program ? I want to pick the worst samples with alarm rate = Specified number.
Did you try adjusting the threshold of your model? The default is 0.5 but perhaps in your case a lower threshold would be appropriate. Search the operator list for "threshold" to see the relevant operators and how to use them.
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since I use the vote operator (with 5 classifiers) to divide ok and ng examples, the ng output shall be 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1, even I move the threshold from 0.5 to 0.9,there are still too many ng samples (compare with the return rate), I am trying to optimaze the model and train set, at the same time I want to find a way to set the alarm rate = return rate to locate the worst samples. can you help me?